Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 13 More Spider-man and Deadpool

Another day, drawing on the road - Didn't get photos of all the steps -but over all, still loving working from the marvel catalog, but really looking to going back to full pages next week.

Since starting Book Sketching a few weeks ago, I have spent the bulk of each hour on stage 3 (design/details) while moving super fast through the first 2 stages of construction. For tomorrow, I will try and spend more time on stage 1 (in terms of composition) and stage 2 in terms of proportions and volumes. This may mean I don't get as far in stage 3.

For anyone still on the fence about trying this out - get out some paper, a pen and start drawing. You just don't know the fun you are missing until you start doing it for yourself.

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