Another day, another Danger Girl page.. and still so much fun. Today felt like a backward step again, as I try and adapt to J Scott Campbell's style. One thing I really want to work on going forward is the way he does lips - he uses a nice combination of straights and curves (lines) that I don't think I succeeded copying too well tonight.
On the flip side, I am discovering that I don't much fancy the way he draws ears -but really, who am I to judge. ha ha.
His drawing of hair on the other hand is fantastic -and when I eventually reach the rendering stage in a few months - I hope start figuring out exactly how he applies the blacks to make it look so great.
just wanted to say sorry again for the fuzzy images. Really don't have time to figure out the problem this week,but hopefully will clear it up by next week. thanks again to everyone that is checking out my progress.